2011 Canadian Geotechnical Conference2011 Canadian Geotechnical Conference
14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference
5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical Engineering
Geo-Innovation Addressing Global Challenges
October 2-6, 2011, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hydrogeology and Seepage


Paper Title


Calibration and uncertainty analysis of a regional fault zone groundwater flow and solute transport model using Nonlinear Least-Square Regression
Xuyan Wang


Developing rules of thumb for groundwater modelling in large open pit mine design
Jim Hazzard, Branko Damjanac, Christine Detournay, Loren Lorig


Wellhead protection area delineation for viral contaminants - Case study of Urmia City drinking water wells
K. Badv, Maryam Badv, M. Mohsen Badv


Estimation of in situ soil stiffness of glacial tills in Northern Ireland from barometric response.
L. Carse, D.A.B. Hughes, M. McLernon, S.L. Barbour, K. Relland


Simulación de la extracción de aguas subterráneas por pozos de bombeo a través de análisis hidromecánicos acoplados y desacoplados
R.J.Q. Quispe, C. Romanel, K.V. Bicalho

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