2011 Canadian Geotechnical Conference2011 Canadian Geotechnical Conference
14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference
5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical Engineering
Geo-Innovation Addressing Global Challenges
October 2-6, 2011, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Behaviour of Unsaturated Soils


Paper Title


Application of total stress analysis for unsaturated soils in engineering practice
Won Taek Oh, Sai K. Vanapalli


Rational approach for the design of retaining structures using the mechanics of unsaturated soils
N'eem Tavakkoli, Sai K. Vanapalli


Mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated compacted residual soil
F.A.M. Marinho, O.M. Oliveira, S. Vanapalli, H. Adem


Self-weight collapse of Loessic Soils. Prediction by simple models(Autocolapso de Suelos Loessicos. Modelos Sencillos de Predicción)
R.E. Terzariol, M.E. Zeballos, R.J. Rocca


Bearing capacity of low plastic unsaturated soils using effective and total stress approaches
Won Taek Oh, Sai K. Vanapalli


Bearing capacity and settlement behaviour of footings in an unsaturated sand
Fathi M.O. Mohamed, Sai K. Vanapalli, Murat Saatcioglu


Estimation of the shaft capacity of model piles in a compacted fine-grained unsaturated soil
S.K. Vanapalli, Z.N. Taylan


Pull-out capacity of soil nails in unsaturated soils
Naresh Gurpersaud, Sai K. Vanapalli, Siva Sivathayalan


Effect of wetting on pore structure of compacted fine-grained soils
Gowthaman Sinnathamby, Debra H. Philllips, V. Sivakumar, Andras Paksy


Unsaturated soil properties of a fissured expansive clay
Shahid Azam, Maki Ito


Analisis de bifurcación discontínua en suelos no saturados
Ricardo Schiava, Guillermo Etse


Prediction of the Behaviour of Expansive Soils
Maki Ito, Yafei Hu


Módulo de resiliencia: Distribución de sus valores en el espacio de compactación y comportamiento en trayectoria de humedecimiento y secado
Natalia Pérez García, Paul Garnica Anguas


Testing of an Expansive Clay in a Centrifuge Permeameter
M.D. Plaisted, J.G. Zornberg


Geotechnical characterization of two unsaturated mature granite residual soils from Pernambuco, Brazil
R.Q. Coutinho, M.M. Silva, K. Lafayete


Unsaturated flow in hydrating porous media: application to cemented paste backfill
M. Witteman, P. Simms


Evaluación de la relación entre módulo de resiliencia y succión
Natalia Pérez García, Paul Garnica Anguas


Características de la curva de retención de agua en un suelo tropical compactado Characteristics of the water retention curve in a compacted tropical soil
Iván Fernando Otálvaro, Manoel Porfírio Cordão-Neto


Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Calibration of Thermal Conductivity Suction Sensors
R. Bashir, J.J. Stone, D.G. Fredlund


Predicción de la resistencia al corte en los suelos naturales derivados de ceniza volcánica
J.C. García-Leal, J.E. Colmenares M.


Improved Soil-Water Characteristic Curves and Permeability Functions for Unsaturated Soils
Shada H. Krishnapillai, Nadarajah Ravichandran


Hysteresis phenomenon of a tropical soil profile observed by means of soil water characteristic curves obtained in laboratory and field
Brunno Henrique Bonder, Miriam Gonçalves Miguel


Evaluation of suction and water content fluctuations of a tropical soil
A.C. Silva Jr., G.F.N. Gitirana Jr.


Diseño de sistemas de aireación forzada de pilas de lixiviación considerando las conductividades hidráulica y gaseosa del mineral
Roberto León, Eugenia Anabalón

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