14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical Engineering | |
Geo-Innovation Addressing Global Challenges October 2-6, 2011, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Transportation Geotechnics
| Paper Title |
Evaluación de la curva característica en trayectoria de secado y su aplicación en el modelo climático integrado de la guía de diseño AASHTO empírico-mecanicista
Natalia Pérez García, Paul Garnica Anguas
On the expected changes in the resilient modulus of a compacted soil and their implications for pavement design
Paul Garnica Anguas
Field and laboratory procedures for investigating the fouling process within railway track ballast
Brennan Bailey, D. Jean Hutchinson, Duncan Gordon, Greg Siemens, Mario Ruel
Effect of loading rate on the properties of lightly stabilized granular materials by using flexural beam testing
D.K. Paul, C.T. Gnanendran
Prediction of moisture-density characteristics of compacted fill using mixture theory
Kwame Adu-Gyamfi, L. Sebastian Bryson, Lyndsie Janbakhsh
Failure induced pore pressure, experimental results and analysis
T. Länsivaara, V. Lehtonen, J. Mansikkamäki
Assessing Geometry of Rock Masses using Static and Mobile LiDAR Scanning
Matthew J. Lato, Rob Harrap, D. Jean Hutchinson, Mark Diederichs, C. Derek Martin
Estimación de módulos elásticos en pavimentos usando redes neuronales artificiales
Gloria I. Beltrán C., Miguel P. Romo O.
Managing subsurface risk for Toronto-York Spadina Subway extension project
D.L. Walters, A. Mian, S. Palmer, J. Westland, H. Bidhendi
Optimal partitioning of data-logged soil profile
Rocky Wang, Roger Skirrow
The Principle of Natural Proportionality applied to the creep of compacted recycled asphalt pavement
Eulalio Juárez-Badillo
Diagnostico del impacto dinámico o muelleo en cimentaciones de puentes mediante la medición de ondas senoidales
José Martín Gallo Aguilar
Assessment of embankment fouling from geotechnical testing of railway ballast samples
Brennan Bailey, D. Jean Hutchinson, Greg Siemens, Mario Ruel
Piles installed in soft clays: assessment of bearing capacity predictions using static load tests
Juliana Reinert, Andrea Sell Dyminski, Alessander Christopher Morales Kormann
Sudden failure of an embankment resting on a clay soil that behaved as a fluid
J.J. Schmitter, S. Vázquez, R.V. Orozco, L. Reyes
The Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit
Robert Ng, Tom Xue, Charles Wheeler, David Campo
Temporary tower foundations for the New San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge self anchored suspension span
A. Sy, T. Thavaraj, B. Hamersley, M. Reyes, D. Dowdell, S. Tudor
Retrofit of a pile-supported bridge in soft clay damaged by failure of adjacent soil stockpile
A. Sy, T. Thavaraj, B. Hamersley, D. Gillespie
Geotechnical design for the William R. Bennett Bridge, Kelowna, British Columbia
Uthaya M. Uthayakumar, Ernest Naesgaard
Comportement irréversible des matériaux granulaires des plateformes ferroviaires soumises aux charges uniformes et répétées
K. Karraz, J. Canou, J.-C. Dupla, G. Bonnet
A mechanistic empirical method to predict permanent deformation on tropical soils on pavements
Antonio Carlos Rodrigues Guimarães, Laura Maria Goretti da Motta, Henry Guillermo Córdova Valdiviezo
Influence of particle size and particle orientation on the shear strength parameters of unbound slate slag
Seth Knihtila, Adam F. Sevi, Brad Ruderman, John B. Stevens
Assessing the integrity of subsurface drainage system using Deflectograph residual life data
Morteza Zohrabi, Seema Karami
Simulación del fisuramiento en mezclas asfálticas por el método de elementos discretos
J.M.M. López, C. Romanel, N.N. Valverde, L.M.G. Motta
A revisit to the shakedown of pavements under moving surface loads
Jidong Zhao
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